What is Sea Kelp?
The Ocean wonder Kelp from the brown algae (Brown Seaweed) family, popularly called Sea Kelp is basically a plant which has several species. The plant is abundantly available in oceans across the globe. Botanically named as Laminaria Digitata, the plant yields the highest levels of organic iodine and other nutrients.
These nutrients contain over seventy vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and many trace elements. Having its growth in the cold water, the Sea Kelp has the best nitrogen levels.
As a medicinal value, the great sea plant forms an arterial cleansing agent, which has the power to tone the walls of the human blood vessels and reducing the deposits in the main arteries. Also, the extract of the plant has the capacity for restoring the elasticity of the blood arteries and also strengthens the blood circulatory system. By this special feature, the cholesterol levels are lowered in the circulatory system.

The very earliest record of the eating of kelp (Brown Seaweed) as a nutrient source dates back to 300 B.C. in the China Republic. It also appears that kelp was consumed in the stone age as the remainder of meals from that era have been discovered in South Africa.
Sea Kelp Nutrition Facts
The well known Sea Kelp uniquely tops the list for the nutritional contents like calcium, magnesium, iron, iodine, and sulfur. The Sea plant accumulates all the essential plant-nutrient and rejects all the contaminants. The plant is found to be highly nutritious as it has its disposal all the essential nutrients that run-off from the land.
Vitamins in Sea Kelp
Sea Kelp is a natural source of vitamins like Vitamin A, B1, B2, C, D, and E.
Minerals in Sea Kelp
Sea Kelp is also a natural source of minerals like iodine, zinc, iron, magnesium, copper, and calcium. It is known to have the highest natural concentration of calcium in any food. In fact, it has ten times more calcium than milk.
Proteins in Sea Kelp
One serving of 2 tablespoons of Sea Kelp contains 0.2 grams of protein. It is recommended by the Institute of Medicine to consume 46 to 56 grams of protein per day. Including Sea Kelp in your diet plan can help to fulfill your protein needs.

Sea Kelp Health Benefits
As Sea Kelp possesses many nutritional and therapeutic properties, the plant has been classified as a medicinal plant. Sea Kelp liquid for weight loss. Here are the benefits of Kelp one can know before using in the daily diet.
- It has abundant minerals like potassium, bromine, and align that is needed for sound health.
- Kelp assists digestion and also supports the prostate.
- Maintain and rebuild all the body glands.
- Heavy metals and radiation are detoxified from the body at regular intervals.
- Enhances metabolism that assists weight loss.
- It cures Anemia as well as the Impotence
- Supports brain development.
- Greatly assists the normal function Thyroid and Pituitary glands.
- Forms an addition for the salts on foods and replace them.
- Heals Liver disorders.

Sea Kelp Usages
There is a long history of Sea kelp being used for medicinal purposes going back to the ancient Greek civilization. They used it to treat intestinal ailments and neutralize goiter. Over time it was adopted by herbalism and homeopathy to treat a variety of symptoms including Poor digestion, Flatulence, goiter, and constipation. The Greek figure Pythagoras told stories about sea kelp in his writings. Sea kelp benefits have been noted in Japan where it’s been eaten in their diet for one thousand five hundred years.
The health benefits of sea kelp are recorded in history. In the eighteenth century physicians observed that populations who resided along the Atlantic coast seldom developed goiters – these are large growths in the neck that were subsequently exposed as enlarged thyroid glands. In the year seventeen fifty, a doctor from Britain presented a cure for goiter which was charred kelp in a vegetable-oil base. The treatment was a success but the reason remained a mystery until years later in eighteen twelve when iodine in the plant was discovered by chemists and doctors discovered that goiters were caused by an iodine deficiency.
In the eighteen-sixties, British and French doctors noticed that patients taking iodine for other complaints appeared to lose weight more easily. This was because iodine stimulated their thyroid, which increased their metabolism, and so they burned off calories more quickly. Kelp then gained a standing as a treatment for the obese which it still maintains. In the nineteenth century, America kelp was valued for its iodine. They applied iodine in the form of an antiseptic to treat lesions and tincture of iodine was taken for tuberculosis, spleen and liver disorders. It was also taken for syphilis, period pain, vaginal discharge and swelling of the uterus and testicles.

Sea Kelp for Thyroid Support
The presence of organic iodine in the liquid Sea Kelp helps in normalizing thyroid disorders. By this action, a high metabolism occurs which control the body weight. In fact, the iodine in kelp detoxifies and totally eliminates the heavy metals and other toxins from the body. Also, the bio-availability of this organic iodine is considered to be effective in blood purification. The kelp is loaded with a great amount of iodine that is essential for healthy thyroid function.
By adding Kelp in our daily diet helps in reversing and safeguarding our bodies from the dangerous toxins. It is no wonder Sea Kelp is considered to be one of the most natural and healthy vitamin nutrients that can form a supplement to our daily diet.

Sea kelp for Weight Loss
The liquid sea kelp can be used for all the weight loss programs by eliminating the excess fats and other fatty fluids. While the absorbed minerals provide stamina, the vitamins in the Kelp provides the best immune system and work as a perfect viral protector.

Sea Kelp for Skin and Benefits
Sea Kelp is used to hydrating the skin as well as for its anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits. It is applied on the skin as a firming, healing, exfoliating and strengthening agent.
Sea kelp is also used for the treatment of a skin condition called Rosacea. It is a condition which causes facial inflammation, red discoloration, swelling and acne in patients. It reduces the pooling of blood below the skin which prevents various skin conditions. Sea Kelp also protects the skin from environmental damage.
Sea Kelp supplements are believed to encompass antioxidant vitamin A which helps in trimming down harms resulting from free radicals. They have vital fatty acids which are important in making the skin agile and also contain chlorophyll and amino acids that help in building strong body cells.

Sea Kelp for Hair Growth
Sea Kelp contains nutrients which facilitates hair health and strength. It is also used to boost hair growth for people suffering from hair loss. It helps to reduce split ends and breakages in hair. Kelp also contains Laminaria Angustata, which is believed to thicken hair.

Sea Kelp Side-effects
A vast majority of people eat sea kelp or take sea kelp supplements without any problems. There can be side effects and certain people should avoid sea kelp altogether.
People who are prone to nausea or diarrhea and Pregnant women should avoid consuming Sea Kelp. Kelp is a natural laxative that can worsen conditions like nausea and diarrhea. There are no studies as yet to show if there are any adverse effects to health if you digest kelp when pregnant. It’s best to be on the safe side and consult your doctor.
Like all medications, it’s important to use kelp only in the correct doses. Just a single kelp tablet could contain 0.7 milligrams of iodine. Taking this amount of iodine each day could result in hyperthyroidism, a condition in which thyroid hormone levels are raised beyond their regular values.