What is Omega 3?
Omega 3 is the fatty acids which are polyunsaturated in nature and they are made up of one double bond in chemical structure. Our body has the ability to synthesized fatty acids, but it does not have enzymes that will allow our body to stick around right spot to create omega 3. You can find Omega 3 in the following foods which are as follows:-
- Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA): You can find this 22-carbon molecule in fish or algae oil. These will convert your DHA’s into EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) which will keep the good levels in case if we consume more DHA’s.
- Alpha-Linoleic Acid (ALA): You can find this omega 3 in green leafy vegetables, also in flax seeds or rancid oils. This acid has short omega 3 which is converted into EPA and DHA which can be synthesized later on.
- Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA): EPA can also be found in algae oil, krill oil or fish oil. It can be synthesized in its original form.
Omega 3 Health Benefits
Today we will discuss some of the health benefits of Omega 3 which are as follows:-

- Reduces risk for heart diseases: In the world, many people died of strokes and heart attacks. According to a study, it has been observed that people who eat fish have a very low risk of this heart disease. Omega 3 also improves inflammation, reduces blood pressure from high blood pressure, and also prevents plaque.
- Reduces levels of ADHD in children: Children who are suffering from ADHD have low blood levels of omega 3 as compared to healthy children. ADHD is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder which is identified by impulsivity or hyperactivity. If a child consumes omega 3 supplements it can lower risk of ADHD in children.
- Fights depression: You can also fight depression and anxiety by using omega 3 supplements. There are 3 types of fatty acids DHA, ALA or EPA which helps in fighting depression among people. This mental disorder is very common among people nowadays. EPA has been considered the effective fatty acid which helps in lowering depression.
- Improves eyesight: It also helps in improving eye health. DHA is his most common fatty acid which helps in improving eye health. It can also reduce the risk of permanent blindness or vision impairment.
- Improves brain health during pregnancy: During pregnancy, it also helps in promoting brain If pregnant lady consumes omega 3 during their pregnancy, it can build higher intelligence, good social skills, and also decreases the risk of cerebral palsy.
- Alzheimer’s disease can be treated: In some studies, it has been cleared the people who consume omega 3 have less risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to a study, people who eat fish that will process brain tissue, emotions, and
Omega 3 benefits for skin
Omega 3 is best for beauty and skin also. It has following benefits which are as mentioned below:-

- Helps in fighting wrinkles: Foods like chia seeds, kidney beans, and spinach contains omega 3 will helps in reducing wrinkles. It will also help in lowering fine lines from the skin, around the eyes and even from the forehead.
- Keeps your skin hydrated: It will also help in keeping your skin hydrated. Flaxseed oil is very beneficial in keeping your skin hydrated because it consists of omega 3 fatty acids which will increase skin hydration up to 39 % within 12 weeks.
- Protects your skin from the sun: Omega 3 protects your skin from inflammation. If you apply sunscreen on your skin which contains omega 3 will protect your skin from sunlight.
Omega 3 Food
There are some people who do not like fish, we will suggest them some vegetarian options or some other options which also contains omega 3. Following are some foods which contain omega 3 which is very important for our body are as mentioned below:-
- Soybeans: These are also a rich source of omega 3. It contains nutrients which are very rich in vegetables like soybeans.
- Dairy foods: There are some foods like dairy products like milk from goats, sheep or cows are also rich in omega 3 which can be consumed by every person.
- Wild Rice: It also has double protein as that in brown rice. Wild rice has nutrients like phosphorus, magnesium or potassium.
Omega 3 Hair Benefits
Omega 3 also helps in keeping good hair and also supports the growth of hair in people. If people eat fatty fishwich is a rich source of DHA and EPA which helps in maintaining good hair. Fishes like Salmon, tuna, trout, catfish are the best examples of healthy hair. These foods nourish your hair and keep them shiny and beautiful.
Omega 3 Benefits for Men
Omega 3 also benefits men. Men can consume omega 3 in the form of fish oil or krill oil. Omega-3 also maintains cholesterol levels in men and also lowers levels of triglyceride. And helps in keeping the mind sharp in men. It also alleviates pain and aches from the body. It has been proving useful while preventing cancer.
Omega 3 Dosage
If you want to have omega 3 in your diet, you can eat fatty fish twice in a week. Some people do not like et fish; they can meet their requirements by having omega 3 supplements. There are some dosage guidelines which one must take care before taking omega 3 supplements.
- There is no such standard up to what amount of omega 3 should be consumed per day. Many experts have their different opinion.
- Many organizations recommend approx 250-300 mg EPA and DHA is required per day.
- For certain health conditions, high amount of omega 3 supplements.
Omega 3 Weight Loss
There are 2 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) which will help in decreasing insulin levels and will burn extra calories from your body. All of the 3 sources will block fat storage in your body which is known as anti-lipogenic.
So this was all about omega 3. From the above information, we learned many useful uses of omega 3. You can use them in your foods as well as supplements.