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Sea Moss and Elderberry Health Benefits

If you have been looking forward to adding another flavor to your sea moss gel, or some fruit with lots for health benefits then elderberry would be the one you should try. Here a quick look over what are health benefits of sea moss and elderberry. What are uses of sea moss and elderberry individually. You can add elderberry to your sea moss gel, sea moss smoothies, and syrup.

What is Elderberry?


Elderberry has always been used by our grannies to cure everything from joint pain to poor circulation to the muscle. In folk medicine today, it is said to be one of the most used healing plants for medicinal purposes. Elderberry, also known as Sambucus nigra, is a dark purple edible berry that grows on the European elder tree. It is usually found in Europe and North America.

Uses of Elderberry

Nowadays, people use this fresh fruit to make jams, wine, sauces, syrup, pies, and jellies. Apart from that, elderberry is also used for various health conditions like diabetes, sinusitis, cold flu, and many more. According to the sources, the ancient Egyptians also included it in their daily lives to heal burns and improve complexion. Besides, it is still being used in folk medicine in various parts of Europe. You can keep reading to find health benefits and uses of this ripe fresh fruit.

Health Benefit of Elderberry

This dark purple elderberry offers a long list of health benefits and this is why our ancestors have been using this wonder berry. Find out how you can benefit from elderberry if you take it separately.

  1. Elderberry has some antiviral properties which help people to fight sore throat and common colds.
  2. As per the resources, some people also use the flowers to break fevers and promote sweating during cold.
  3. Elderberry can also help you to recover faster from Influenza if you consume it orally in the form of juice.
  4. This antimicrobial fruit is an immunity booster and can fight various infections and skin conditions.
  5. Elderberry can also be found in the kitchen for traditional uses. Some people use these berries in the dried form. There are many ways to prepare this fruit as food which includes pies, food flavoring, lemonades, and wine.
  6. You need a stronger immunity to fight H1N1 “swine” flu, so elderberry comes as the savior to boost your immune system.
  7. It is also used for cancer, HIV/AIDS, sinus pain, nerve pain (neuralgia), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and back and leg pain (sciatica).
  8. Studies also show that elderberry extracts are used to protect skin from harmful UV radiation.
  9. Some people use this fruit to increase urine flow, weight loss, headache, constipation, and hay fever (allergic rhinitis).
  10. It is also useful in treating mouth ulcers, toothache, and tonsillitis.
  11. Elderberry comes with various benefits and it has become a boon in folk medicine. Experts believe that the elderberry has anti-inflammatory properties. If you consume this berry daily, then the high antioxidant levels will help you to decrease the inflammation in your body.
  12. Elderberries are excellent sources of Vitamin-A which helps in maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and mucosa. The free-radical fighting and innate anti-aging properties give you a youthful glow. Moreover, it can get rid of skin conditions like scars, boils, and breakouts.
  13. Experts also reckon that Elderberry is a promising herb that improves blood circulation. The high antioxidant levels increase the buoyancy in the capillaries and blood vessels which stabilizes blood pressure.
  14. Elderberries are rich sources of Vitamin-C which protects you against any viral flu. 100g of berries carry 60 percent of Vitamin-C. Moreover, elderberry also keeps your respiratory system healthy and reduces upper respiratory symptoms like influenza and common cold viruses.
  15. The vitamins and antioxidants present in the berries can boost your immune system.
  16. It promotes the secretion of digestive juices and helps you to keep your digestive system healthy. Moreover, it also prevents constipation.
  17. Elderberry contains high levels of anthocyanins that reduce the risks of heart disease. It also reduces the level of fat in the blood and keeps cholesterol under control. Besides, they contain a good amount of potassium which helps to control blood pressure and heart rate.
  18. Studies reveal that elderberry flowers contain the enzyme α-glucosidase which keeps sugar levels in control. It helps to cure diabetes mellitus.
  19. The high calcium content, along with other nutrients present in the elderberry, helps to maintain bone health. Consumption of these berries can lessen the risk of osteoporosis and arthritis.
  20. This antiviral fruit contains Amygdalin, which is a compound that helps you to kill cancerous cells.
  21. Elderberries also carry an incredible amount of minerals like calcium, manganese, and phosphorus. It also contains copper and iron, which is important for the production of red blood cells.

Including Elderberry in your diet will surely improve your overall health and wellness because it is packed with an impressive amount of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. So add this powerhouse fruit in your diet now!

What is Sea Moss?

Sea moss is an alga from red algae kingdom. As you might already know that seaweed is the next superfood and people have started incorporating seaweed like sea moss in everyday meal to stay fit and healthy.

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Here are uses and health benefits of sea moss that you get from genuine sea moss..

Uses of Sea Moss

Sea moss has been used for century as a food supplement and to fight the malnutrition among the people in some parts of the world. But now it is used all over world. Because recent studies have shown some amazing results in treating some modern day health issues. And this is how people have been using sea moss in their day to day life.

  1. Sea Moss Gel
  2. Sea Moss Powder
  3. Sea Moss Smoothie
  4. Sea Moss Drink
  5. Sea Moss Tea
  6. Sea Moss Tablets
  7. Sea Moss Capsules
  8. Sea Moss Face Mask
  9. Sea Moss Serum
  10. Sea Moss Supplement

Health Benefits of Sea Moss

Sea Moss is a natural and rich source of minerals and carries 92 minerals of total minerals our human body is made of. Which helps fight malnutrition and strengthens our body inside out. Sea Moss also offers vital vitamins, proteins and amino acids that are good in losing weight and are anti-aging.

Here is handy a list of health benefits of sea moss..

  1. Helps in Respiratory Alignment
  2. Recovers Skin
  3. Strengthens hair
  4. Builds Thyroid Hormones
  5. Normalizes Blood Circulation
  6. Treats Sore Throat
  7. Helpful in Lung malfunction
  8. Joint Pain Killer
  9. Boosts Immune System
  10. Has Anti-aging properties

Sea Moss and Elderberry

When you infuse sea moss with elderberry, you get health benefits of both amazing sea plant and berry fruit, the combination make a complete package of minerals, proteins, vitamins.

Sea moss being a sea plant does not have what plants and fruits can have from the open air. Sea mos has all the minerals that our body needs and elderberry has all proteins and vitamins that our body needs.

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